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Annibal Gouvêa Franco
Melissa Marcílio Batista


The present article encompasses neurosciences, high abilities and giftedness. It aims to present a review that integrates areas that involve the neurosciences of behavior and cognition, and their contribution to the gifted, and may prove useful to educators in the field of high abilities and giftedness. The present study is justified by the fact that despite the aforementioned assistance to gifted students to be controversial and their identification is difficult, the Resolution nº 4 of Brazil (2009) establishes operational guidelines for the Educational Assistance Specialized in basic education, special education modality, which encompasses students with high abilities and giftedness. For the accomplishment of this work, the methodology used was the narrative revision. It is emphasized that an educator who ventures into the neurosciences and learns the cerebral functioning, begins to exercise his work in a more significant and efficient way, considering that it is possible to relate certain neuroscientific evidences with the theoretical-pedagogical bases.

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How to Cite
FRANCO, A. G.; BATISTA, M. M. THE SPECTRUM OF INTELLIGENCE: A NEUROSCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION INTO GIFTEDNESS AND HIGH ABILITIES. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 17, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n17101024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.
Author Biographies

Annibal Gouvêa Franco, UEMG

Master's in Design (Design, Innovation and Sustainability) from UEMG. Specialization in Neuroscience (Alfamérica). Specialization in Multiple Intelligences and Mindfulness (Faculdade Iguaçu). MBA in ESG and Innovation (Faculdade Iguaçu). Arts teacher at SEE/MG. - Has experience mainly in the areas of Visual Arts and Design, Education, Materials and Sustainability.

Melissa Marcílio Batista, Faculdade Iguaçu

Graduated in Management Processes from Santa Cecilia University (2023), and also holds an Executive MBA in Management Processes (2024) and an MBA in ESG and Innovation (2024) from Iguaçu College. Has professional experience in the field of Administration/Management and Company Legalization. Academically, is specializing and conducting research in areas primarily involving management and sustainability.


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