Tax collection of Colatina-Es: the effectiveness of active debt notification for the collection of IPTU

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Hércules Cedro Setúbal
Attawan Guerino Locatel Suela


This test aims to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the Active Debt notification for the collection of tax credits relating to IPTU. To this end, it uses a quantitative approach, with a descriptive objective, based on the debt documents of the municipality of Colatina from the year 2022. Initially, it is observed that the current scenario in the municipalities is one of a lot of default on the part of citizens, which justifies the proposition of the article in question. It presents the expected path from credit creation to registration in Active Debt and the subsequent collection stage, in addition to describing the collection process in the municipality of Colatina. The work organizes the data into tables and performs statistical treatment, using the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies. The study shows that only the notification of Active Debt is not effective and efficient, with percentages below expectations in relation to collection, as it points out that the effectiveness and efficiency of the process are not directly related and discriminates, when classifying the data by range of amounts and type of debtor, highlighting the need to submit to legal charges and protest at a notary's office for better results.

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How to Cite
CEDRO SETÚBAL, H.; LOCATEL SUELA, A. G. Tax collection of Colatina-Es: the effectiveness of active debt notification for the collection of IPTU. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 14, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.c2v3n1434524. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


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