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Lilian Quelle Santos de Queiroz


This study aims to discuss the relationships between Drawing teaching and the use of Assistive Technologies and software, as well as electronic devices that have been consolidating in Brazil in the last two decades. The methodology used is bibliographic review, aiming to contextualize the relevant research problem within the broader panorama of existing literature. In view of the preparation of this review, it is highlighted that the use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, but specifically in the teaching of Technical Drawing and in teaching and learning relationships, in various areas of knowledge has led to questions amidst the profusion of characteristic information of contemporary society. Both the difficulties in accessing teacher training and the use of technological resources, as well as the possibility of suppression of the teaching subject, have been topics of research and studies on the use of technology and computational thinking in education. From this perspective, it is relevant to preliminarily highlight some potentialities linked to the space that Artificial Intelligence provides to higher education teachers, such as: improvement of creativity and interaction with Augmented Reality and Virtual validity, as well as problems, such as increased dependence, having in view of the use of technological resources and mistakes in correcting activities that these resources can provide, implications also imposed by this reality. Final considerations indicate that the resolution of these issues still depends on the teacher's role as mediator and main validator of the use of AI tools linked to educational technologies in the classroom, as well as the importance of continued teacher training.

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SANTOS DE QUEIROZ, L. Q. INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E RELAÇÕES DE ENSINO APRENDIZAGEM NA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR: A PERSPECTIVA DO ENSINO DE DESENHO. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 14, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.243v3n141570. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.


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