“Green Slogans” and “Gray Behaviors”: exploring the dichotomy between esg practices and operational realities

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Annibal Gouvêa Franco
Melissa Marcílio Batista


This study addresses the dichotomy between ESG practices and the operational realities of companies, focusing on the JBS S.A. The adoption of eco-sustainable practices, corporate governance, and social responsibility has become a fundamental component of business strategies, but the disconnect between the proclaimed "green slogans" and the "grey practices" effectively implemented is an intriguing reality. The qualitative research adopts a theoretical review of ESG and sustainability, followed by a case study that analyzes disparities between public statements and actual operations of JBS S.A. Data collection and analysis are conducted through various sources, including news, scientific articles, and official documents, with a qualitative approach to unveil the narrative constructed by JBS S.A. in comparison with its actual actions. The study aims to offer a critical perspective on the effectiveness and authenticity of ESG initiatives within JBS S.A., questioning the extent to which these strategies represent a genuine commitment to sustainability or merely serve as tools to mitigate negative impacts. Analyzing these issues is crucial to understand the challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of sustainable and responsible practices in the contemporary business context.

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How to Cite
GOUVÊA FRANCO, A.; MARCÍLIO BATISTA, M. . “Green Slogans” and “Gray Behaviors”: exploring the dichotomy between esg practices and operational realities. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 14, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.243v3n141166. Disponível em: https://remici.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/344. Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.
Author Biographies

Annibal Gouvêa Franco, UEMG

Master in Design from the State University of Minas Gerais (2015). - He is currently an arts teacher at SEE/MG. - Has experience mainly in the areas of Visual Arts and Design, Education, Materials and Sustainability.

Melissa Marcílio Batista, Faculdade Iguaçu

Graduated in Management Processes from Universidade Santa Cecília (2023). She has professional experience in the area of Administration/Management and Business Legalization. Academically, she is specializing in areas involving Management, ESG and Innovation, and Sustainable Design.


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