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Alcione da Silva Guterres
Fabrício Leo Alves Schmidt
Carina Dorneles Gomes
Cleber Augusto A’Costa de Lima


This interpretative gesture was contextualized from the issue of the current debate on the quality of Brazilian education. In this political, economic, social, and ideological debate, we sought to establish a critical and constructive analysis of the applicability of the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP), given that this project is available in a regulatory, normative, and mandatory manner in the Federal Constitution and subsequent laws. It is known that the State seeks to establish norms for the applicability of education in the country, which began with catechism during the colonial period and became more incisive during the industrial revolution with welfare. In this phase, therefore, education had a social focus on public education and preparing a qualified workforce for industries. The aim of this study was to conduct a (cor)relation of the importance of the PPP with the social and real function of the school – as well as to clarify why it is not being effectively implemented. Specifically, it aimed to understand school management and how teachers are connected to the process, as well as how their personal interrelationships, such as ethics and morals, are influencing the teaching-learning process. The method used was a bibliographic research, which concluded that there is indeed a public policy of applicability, or norm, called the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB), which provides as a mechanism of social action and is termed participative democratic management. However, there is inefficiency in its application by the school community, which is not prepared to use it as a methodological tool. The inefficiency in the process can be overcome through continuous training.

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GUTERRES, A. da S.; SCHMIDT, F. L. A.; GOMES, C. D.; LIMA, C. A. A. de. REFLETINDO A ELABORAÇÃO DO PROJETO PEDAGÓGICO: FUNÇÃO SOCIAL DA ESCOLA COMO DISPOSITIVO LEGAL. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n18131324. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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