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Mariana Ribeiro Lorenzi


The essay proposes a case-law study between Brown v. Plata and MC-ADPF 347 binding precedents through comparison. Both decisions have in common the fact that they were proffered by Constitutional Courts and had faced mass imprisonment through constitutional bias. Therefore it sets off considerations about the cases premises and conclusions. As a result, it observes that both Courts faced differently mass imprisonment: while USA Supreme Court sets discharge as a solution, STF withholds restraint and takes up containment measures towards new arrests.

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LORENZI, M. R. O ENCARCERAMENTO EM MASSA NA PERSPECTIVA DOS PRECEDENTES “BROWN VS. PLATA” E ADPF 347 MC/DF. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 17, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n178824. Disponível em: https://remici.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/391. Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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