Contributions of a game in learning function in second grade

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Edna Guimarães Duarte
Zenaide de Fátima Dante Correia Rocha


This article analyzes the development of a pedagogical game, is a teaching tool that contributes to student learning through peer interaction. The use of games provides a greater interest in the content presented and can represent a significant learning context for Mathematics. In view of the need to work on the learning difficulties of quadratic functional equations with High School students, the main question of the current research was: How can a quadratic function game contribute to the learning of second-degree function content? Thus, the general objective was to analyze the contribution of a quadratic function game in the learning of second-degree polynomial functions. For this purpose, the following specific objectives were listed: to develop and work on a pedagogical game on the content of quadratic function, with students from a first year of High School, of night shift. The research is qualitative and as data collection method were questionnaires, group work, notes on the evolution of learning and construction of second-degree polynomial functions knowledge by the participants were used, with the supervision of the class teacher, researcher of this work. Sixteen students of the first year of high school, of night shift, participated in the research, during classes in the second quarter of 2022. The research focused on the interaction and collaboration of peers to solve the group game, and based on observed data, through notes, recordings, filming, and interactions, four dimensions were organized for the analysis of the research, interpreted in the light of the theoretical framework. In summary, this work contributed to learning the second-degree function, by allowing interaction, formation of collaborative and supportive attitudes among students, in addition to providing a pleasant and conducive environment for learning mathematics.

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DUARTE, E. G.; ROCHA, . Z. de F. D. C. Contributions of a game in learning function in second grade. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n18151524. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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