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Carlos Enrique de Medeiros Jerônimo


Lalalismo may be regarded as a philosophical approach that accentuates the significance of contentment and sanguinity in everyday existence, albeit in a deceptive manner, thereby entrancing individuals via speech that tends to be agreeable and in demand. The phrase "There" conceivably alludes to laughter or glee, implying that the professed goal is to attain happiness through trivial moments. When examining the relationship between Lalalismo and coaching, we arrive at the concept that will be discussed in this study. The aim of this research is to present the concept and support its validity through observation of employees and leaders in the commercial, industrial and service sectors. As such, this presents an innovative terminology for management practices, particularly in occupational safety. Through the development of this study, it was feasible to construct and describe the concept of Lalalismo and its role in occupational safety management. The risks and major implications associated with toxic positivity in this context were also highlighted. The discourse should be in line with sound management practices, including meritocracy and adherence to the legal framework encompassing occupational safety management. It is hoped that this work will reinforce the importance of organizations mixing technical competence and Lalalismo (in minimal proportions) when selecting their leadership. This ensures a perfect scenario for the expansion and growth of the safety culture at any organizational level or activity. Objective evaluations will be excluded; clear, concise language will be used with a logical flow of information, causal connections between statements, and explanations of technical term abbreviations. Standard sentence structure, consistent technical terms, and passive tone will be employed. There will be adherence to common academic sections, regular author and institution formatting, and clear, objective language. Style guides, consistent citation, and a consistent footnote style and formatting features will be applied, with clear marking of quotes and avoidance of filler words. The language will remain formal, without contractions, colloquial words, informal expressions or unnecessary jargon, and positions on subjects will be made clear through hedging. Bias will be avoided, as well as ambiguous terms, and grammatical correctness will be strictly applied. Precise word choice will be employed regarding subject-specific vocabulary.

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JERÔNIMO, C. E. de M. O CONCEITO DO LALALISMO NA GESTÃO DA SEGURANÇA DO TRABALHO. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 14, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.c2v3n1436724. Disponível em: https://remici.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/331. Acesso em: 15 may. 2024.


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