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This work aimed to review the existing literature on the inclusion of deaf students in Higher Education, analyzing public policies and educational practices adopted by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil. The literature review shows that, despite the advances made by the deaf community in the struggle for educational inclusion, there are still many challenges to be faced, such as the lack of qualification of teachers to work with the deaf and the lack of accessibility offered by HEIs. In addition, it is necessary that public policies are more effective and that there is a joint effort between HEIs and the deaf community to promote an inclusive and quality education for all students. The inclusion of deaf people in higher education is a significant and challenging issue. Despite advances in promoting inclusive education, there are still challenges that must be overcome to ensure that students have equal access to higher education. A collaborative approach involving educators, administrators, inclusion professionals, students with disabilities and their communities is needed to overcome these challenges. To promote inclusion in higher education, it is crucial to create effective inclusion policies, being aware of the needs of deaf students and providing adequate resources are essential steps to overcome challenges and promote inclusion in higher education.
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