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Cibelle Christine Brito Ferreira
Juliano Magalhães Barbosa
Reinaldo Ferreira Medeiros
Saulo de Oliveira Lima


Conventional planting uses traditional techniques for preparing the soil, this method consists of removing all vegetation from the land, and the land is disturbed through the processes of plowing and harrowing. The Direct Planting System (SPD), in turn, recommends not disturbing the soil, presence of straw on the surface and crop rotation. In areas of the Cerrado, the Direct Planting System (SPD) has consolidated itself as a conservationist practice for improving soil attributes by maintaining straw on the soil surface and thereby providing an increase in crop yields. However, there are doubts about the combination of this method with fertilization and its contribution to the development of soybeans. The search for sustainable development has encouraged research into projections on aspects of soil, climate, agricultural dynamics, productivity and potential. In this sense, the use of remineralizers has contributed to the development linked to increased productivity in soils with low productive potential, as is the case of Quartzarene Neosols and Pétric Plintosols. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the behavior of fragile Cerrado soils under the effect of sources and doses of fertilizer and management techniques, on the growth and development of soybean crops. The treatments consisted of the cultivation of the DM80I79 IPRO soybean variety, conducted in two experiments, the first in conventional cultivation and the second in direct planting. The two experiments were carried out in DIC with four replications in a 2x3x5 triple factorial scheme, with two soils (typical Ortic Quartzarene Neosol and argisolic Concretionary Plintisol), three fertilizer sources (soluble, remineralizing and natural phosphate) applied in five concentrations (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% of the recommended dose of P2O5 for soybean crops). With the results obtained, it is clear that Quartzarenic Neossolo has a positive effect on soil temperature, both in conventional cultivation systems and in direct planting, a behavior contrary to Pétrico Plintosso, which, regardless of the cultivation system, presents high temperatures in the soil. ground. With the analyzes carried out, in relation to the germination of soybean seeds, the Neossolo Quartizarênio presented the best response in the conventional cultivation system, the Plintosolo Pétrico, in turn, stood out in the germination index when using direct planting. It is also verified that the use of remineralizer and natural phosphate can be used as complementary sources for soil fertilization and plant nutrition, but they have not proven viable to be applied as a substitute for soluble fertilizers, such as simple superphosphate.

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How to Cite
FERREIRA, C. C. B.; ROSANOVA, C. .; BARBOSA, J. M.; MEDEIROS , R. F.; LIMA, S. de O. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TYPE, FERTILIZATION AND CULTIVATION METHOD ON SOIL TEMPERATURE AND INITIAL GROWTH OF SOYBEAN CROP. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n18212124. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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