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Vanderleia Aparecida Camargo Gomes
Icléia Silveira
Daniela Novelli
Janaina Figueiredo Lorbiéski


In the contemporary environment, the fourth turning point in the evolution of humanity is observed as a consequence of the acceleration of Artificial Intelligence. In this context, technological evolution in organizations and its results are noted, leading to the acquisition of a competitive advantage through the availability of databases that enable deeper mapping of their customers and a better understanding of their consumption profiles. It is data that allows companies to operate guided by information rather than intuition or uncertainties as in the past. This study aims to address the application of artificial intelligence as the main resource in the strategic data mapping of fashion consumers. A qualitative and descriptive research approach was applied, using bibliographic sources for data collection. The relevance of the research is highlighted because, even with the availability of data, organizations still face barriers to adopting a new culture in management associated with the effective use of data, bringing them out of invisibility and making them strategic in decision-making. The importance of data permeability across various sectors such as creation, marketing, human resources, sales, and customer relations is emphasized, as it enables more assertive decisions, minimizes errors and losses, and brings customers closer to organizations. Given this reality, it is evident that artificial intelligence tools, when applied to strategies, provide guidelines and speed up business processes. The research results indicated the advantages of using AI in terms of proximity, assertiveness, and acceleration of fashion businesses, with the user playing a central role, allowing them to make their own choices and experience learnings and experiences throughout their shopping journey.

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GOMES, V. A. C.; SILVEIRA, I. .; ROSA, L. da; NOVELLI, D.; LORBIÉSKI, J. F. A APLICAÇÃO DA INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL NO MAPEAMENTO DE DADOS DOS CONSUMIDORES DE MODA. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n188824. Disponível em: https://remici.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/411. Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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