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Accessibility is a basic condition for people with disabilities to have safety and autonomy. In homes, this accessibility should be considered more objectively, aiming at adaptability and usability in the event of a possible disability. Thus, the present study aims to verify, based on the perception of wheelchair users, the needs for modifications and adaptations carried out in their homes, in order to make them accessible. The research is characterized as applied, of a descriptive observational nature, with analysis and discussion of data under a qualitative paradigm. Semi-structured interviews were carried out via video calls with each participant, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in May 2020. Eight wheelchair users selected for convenience and regulars at the Association of Spinal Cord Injured People of Rio Grande do Sul (LEME/RS) participated in the study. It was found that everyone made some type of adaptation to their homes, some simple, such as installing ramps and support bars, to others that were elaborate and costly, such as installing elevators. The adjustments most cited spontaneously by participants were made in the bathroom and kitchen. It is clear that some of the adaptations carried out do not follow the precepts of comfort and safety of use recommended in the minimum dimensions contained in NBR 9050:2020, the most common being the inclination of ramps, door dimensions and equipment heights outside the established standard. Even if legislation does not require it, building adapted or adaptable homes at a low cost reduces the worry if misfortune unexpectedly strikes a family. Adapting homes can be simple or complex or even impossible, depending on the construction type and numerous technical factors, however, with construction designed for accessibility, the difficulties will be much less and the adaptations will be more economical.

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ALBERS, C.; BARTH, M.; RENNER, J. S. ACESSIBILIDADE EM RESIDÊNCIAS: ADAPTAÇÕES NECESSÁRIAS SOB A ÓTICA DOS USUÁRIOS DE CADEIRA DE RODAS. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 3, n. 18, 2024. DOI: 10.56166/remici.v3n183324. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.


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