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Thainara dos Reis do Nascimento
Graziella Di Blasi de Paula
Stella Brainer Magalhães Torres da Rocha
Vanessa Fernandes Cerqueira
Roberto Barbosa de Castilho


Jellys are delicacies that are well-known in the food industry for adding beauty and flavor to food, as well as being good garnishes to various dishes. However, jellys are worth much more than just providing flavor, as their chemical characteristics reveal important properties from a biological point of view, and their physical-chemical characteristics are equally important for food science and technology. The present work brings an experience report of an application of active methodology named problem-based learning (PBL) in a project that encompasses the production, physical-chemical analysis and acceptability of artisanal jelly made with pepper girl finger, which took place during an undergraduate Physics-Chemistry course for the Food Engineering course at UFRRJ. The project consisted of the hand-made manufacture of a homemade jelly from pepper girl finger, determination of the physical-chemical parameters: pH, density and Brix degree, and evaluation of its acceptance through sensory analysis. For comparison, a sensory analysis of a commercial jelly with a similar composition was carried out in order to determine the degree of acceptance of the homemade jelly. For the evaluation, an acceptance questionnaire was carried out consisting of a structured hedonic scale from 1 to 5, ranging from very much dislike to very much like, respectively, with a group of eleven people, where the appearance, aroma, flavor, firmness, burning sensation were evaluated, and overall impression of both jellies. Homemade jelly was better accepted in terms of aroma, flavor, firmness, heat and overall impression. In terms of appearance, both were well evaluated and a tie was reached. Regarding purchase intention, the result was positive for homemade jelly, reaching more than 50% approval. From the evaluation of the data, it is concluded that the public was, in general, more satisfied with homemade jelly than with industrialized jelly, which suggests a growing consumer demand for less industrialized products. The PBL has revealed itself a satisfactory methodology for teaching physical chemistry at undergraduate level. The students have developed skills and expertise that are difficult to develop in a classroom with traditional methodologies. The project allowed the students to associate the topics studied in class with the professional practice as to improve the scientific skills needed to a full professional development.

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NASCIMENTO, T. dos R. do; PAULA, G. D. B. de; ROCHA, S. B. M. T. da; CERQUEIRA, V. F.; CASTILHO, R. B. de. ACEITABILIDADE E CARACTERÍSTICAS FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS DE GELEIA DE PIMENTA “DEDO DE MOÇA” (CAPSICUM BACCATUM). Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 2, n. 12, 2023. DOI: 10.56166/remici.2311v2n122487. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


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