Main Article Content
The article discusses the changes that occurred in the capitalist mode of production from the first industrial revolution to the fourth industrial revolution and how these changes have influenced the desired skills and competencies for engineers. The transformation from Taylorist-Fordist industrial models to flexible models based on the "just-in-time" component of the Toyota model has led to a shift from narrow specialization to multi-skilled and flexible specialization, as well as a focus on transversal skills and competencies. The article also discusses how the rise of information and communication technologies has led to increased mobility in the workforce and altered the concept of work, such as the "uberization" of work. The engineer's role in society is to innovate and solve complex problems, and the article emphasizes the importance of continuing education to keep up with technological developments. The article concludes that the constantly changing nature of the production process puts pressure on engineers to be innovative and adaptable to new challenges, and education needs to keep up with these trends.
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