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Lício Valério Lima Vieira
Tiago Tiago


Tourism is an activity developed worldwide and that can result in the generation of impacts on the environment. Sustainable tourist activity reinforces the tendency to share and experiment, thus inserting the search for minimizing environmental impacts in travel, accommodation and activities during travel. Working with environmental issues requires knowledge of legislation, standards and criteria that establish the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources. Therefore, tourism, as an economic activity, needs to better understand its potential to generate positive impacts, and especially negative ones. Beach environments represent a strong natural potential, and therefore are heavily used by different profiles and interests. Leisure, contemplation, multiple consumption, the emergence of different impacts, the intense urbanization process take place on the beach, facts that make it a stage for the specialization of uses. The choice of the object of study for this research had its justification based on the need to know the profile of the different users, as well as their relationship with the environmental issues existing on the beach. It was intended, therefore, to know the occurrence of impacting actions, and also, the sustainable practices implemented on the beach and their benefits. The present research had as general objective to evaluate the profile of the users of the beach of Atalaia in Aracaju/SE and its relations with the tourism and with the sustainability. As specific objectives, it was intended to: Characterize the profile of users; Evaluate user and beach relationships; To know the perception of users regarding tourism at Atalaia beach in Aracaju/SE. To carry out this research, a methodology based on the principles of the deductive method was adopted, with bibliographical and documental surveys, complemented with field work. The research had as subjects the tourists, visitors and micro-entrepreneurs active on the beach of Atalaia-Aracaju/SE, who were on the beach during the field work. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to observe that tourism on the edge of Atalaia in Aracaju - If it is an activity that provides its users with an approximation with the environment, this contact helps to promote the importance of using the natural resources available in a more aware, guaranteeing the necessary balance and consolidating the attractiveness more and more. But many times the economic interest becomes more important than the environment, and this fact drives its degradation more and more. With the disorderly growth of tourism, the environment has been attacked by man in leisure practices.

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LIMA VIEIRA, L. V.; TIAGO, T. TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT AT PRAIA DE ATALAIA IN ARACAJU/SE. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 2, n. 9, 2023. DOI: 10.56166/remici.239v2n9068. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.


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