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Simone de Sousa Naedzold
Sirlei Milani


This text aims to present the learning, analysis and reflections that we observed in an Online Continuous Training on Active Methodologies offered by the Center for Training and Updating of Basic Education Professionals - Cefapro de Sinop in June of two thousand and twenty, in order to foster studies on these methodologies and provide access to knowledge. We discuss from the perspective of applying active methodologies in high school. To carry out this course, we used the Jetsi Meet program and as the theoretical basis of the text, we based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Case Study. We analyzed some Active Methodologies linked to the digital technologies we studied and reflected on and the possibilities of using them to develop classes with our post-pandemic students or even during this moment. This research highlights the real needs of education professionals to know the Active Methodologies, reflect on them and apply them in their teaching practices. We are apprentices of new formats of education and we are also proponents of these new ways of teaching and learning and, for this reason, the Continuing Education of Education Professionals has always been and continues to be essential.

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NAEDZOLD, S. de S.; MILANI, S. METODOLOGIAS ATIVAS: APRENDIZAGENS DIGITAIS EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 2, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.56166/remici.2023.7.v2n6.0.50. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.


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