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Kleyfton Soares da Silva


Amidst the various digital technological resources developed for school learning, the planning and implementation of teaching activities should be carefully considered. The use of a digital resource does not necessarily have a positive impact on learning and can, on the other hand, cause disorientation. The aim of this research was to present theoretical and methodological frameworks that justify the use of digital technological resources based on principles of learning. This is a qualitative research, in which a bibliographic review on learning and its relation to cognitive sciences was the main data collection strategy. Initially, the concept of "attention" as a primary cognitive function for the selection of relevant information is discussed, associating it with important educational tasks for knowledge acquisition. Next, 10 evidence-based principles of learning are presented to support the proposition of teaching strategies using different digital technological resources. The results highlight the importance of digital technologies as part of a set of strategies based on principles of learning. It is essential for educators to be prepared to use such resources consciously, considering their impact on learning. It was evident that the use of digital technologies can be an effective strategy, provided that it is based on a coherent pedagogical approach and well-established principles of learning.

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SILVA, K. S. da. NEUROCIÊNCIA EDUCACIONAL: PRINCÍPIOS DE APRENDIZAGEM COMO BASE PARA A UTILIZAÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS DIGITAIS EM SALA DE AULA. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 2, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.56166/remici.2023.7.v2n6.5.55. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.


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